Follow us as we embark on what some describe as the "trip of a lifetime"..........ALASKA. We will start out experiencing the Calgary Stampede finals, the "Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth." Then on to the beautiful Canadian Rockies before we finally reach Alaska, the last American Frontier.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Epilogue - Day 61 - Hugs and Goodbyes

“Where is everybody? “  asked Buddy Bear, looking around.

“They all left today,” I answered.

At O’ dark thirty this morning, Spence went to go pick up donuts at Tim Horton’s.  Jim and Betty got up early to start the coffee and yes, sadly, after coffee and donuts this morning, along with lots of hugs and a few tears, everybody is gone but us and our tailgunners.

This morning David proudly diplayed all his newly acquired badges, including Junior Ranger and Junior Biologist.

David with Spence, Betty and Jim
most of the group enjoying coffee and donuts

Sue giving Jim a BIG hug goodbye

Jim taking care of necessary last minute chores

Waving goodbye to Joan and Paul

There goes Jesse and Rita

When you started on this trip it probably seemed like 60 days was a long time.  Amazing how quickly the time went. Spence and I sincerely hope that your trip was everything you dreamed it would be.  We know you have made some lasting new friendships along the way.  We know you saw some amazing things as we traveled and toured through Canada and Alaska.  We hope you take advantage of the blog.  Use it as a way to reminisce about the trip.  We also hope we will see you again somewhere along the road.  It was enjoyable traveling with you and getting to know you. 

Thank you for choosing Adventure Caravans for your trip of a lifetime to Alaska.  Goodbye for now from your Wagonmasters.

And Buddy says “take care of mini-me”.

Spence and Madi Rig #1

1 comment:

  1. Hi...my name is Jayme da Silva. I am trying to reach Mr. Jim Lenneman. Does he have an email or phone number in which I could contact him. It is rather urgent. He can reach me at either my email: jaymer7777@gmail or my cell: 408-606-1238. Many thanks ---jayme
